Monday, June 3, 2013


"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work."

         -Thomas Edison

I've written journals before, but never on a consistent basis. I would eventually get tired of trying to keep track of myself and what I had done and felt that day. This blog is for me to share some of my experiences here in Blacksburg over the summer in the hopes that I can keep it going more easily on a computer. Well, that, and the fact that I can make my obsession with Emma Stone-Watson known to the public.

Here's the short version:

I'm a biological sciences major at Virginia Tech, Marching Virginian, avid swimmer/runner, and coffeeholic, to name a few.  With the MVs, I've been to Orlando, Charlotte, New Orleans, and many other ACC schools. Say what you will about our team, but I can't complain about the free trips.

I've lived in Lee Hall for two years as a part of the Da Vinci Biological and Life Sciences Living Community, the second year returning as a mentor. I'm here for the summer working with the scieneering program (an interdisciplinary study of science, engineering, and law).

I'm working for the summer under Dr. Warren Ruder in Biological Systems Engineering on biosynthetics, the explicit details of which I'm not allowed to discuss. Don't worry, we're not making constructing cyborgs to enslave the human race. Yet.

I'll be updating this blog on just about everything: local Blacksburg events, Scieneering/research happenings, what color my pee was this morning (not really), and anything of note that comes to mind.



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